The Slime's talent

After the slime turned green, there was smoke evaporated from it. Erend, who was quite nervous to see the change in the Slime, asked the Slime beside him.

"Hey, what happened to you?" Erend asked.

[ "Acid... Take." ]

The answer from Slime sounded difficult for him to understand. Erend was also aware that the Slime only often uttered short and very simple words.

Maybe the Slime wasn't smart enough to put together complex words, Erend thought.

That's not a big problem. If he wanted to know what the Slime would do, Erend would just have to wait and see for himself.

Shellob was seen walking backward. It seemed to feel wary and afraid of the Slime now.

The green slime started to move towards Shellob. Shelloob let out another shrill scream. But it then ran off to climb a tree.

Slime of course wouldn't let it run away. The slime moved at a speed that surprised Erend.