Broken Shield

The attack that came this time didn't come from the Daemon of Calamity. But from the Ogres Kingdom.

They are creatures with green skin and enlarged bellies. Even though some of them have thin bodies, their stomachs are still enlarged. Creating an appearance that is even more disturbing to look at.

They were all lined up with so many in numbers. One hundred thousand and more Ogres marched in a large army.

Even though they weren't creatures that mastered top-level magic, they were smart enough to use weapons of war such as catapults and battering rams.

Unfortunately, the Elf palace was not only protected by thick metal gates and strong walls. The palace is also equipped with a magic shield that can counter any attack that invades the palace.

The Ogres still hadn't attacked because they knew about it. They were still waiting for the right timing to launch their big attack.