Aerchon is Back

The Dark Mage, who didn't expect that to happen, widened his eyes. The speed of the three-headed dog that was thrown at him was too fast that he didn't have time to do anything to dodge.

Finally, the dog's body hit the Dark Mage and threw it with him. He was thrown several meters in the middle of the forest with the dog's body on top of him.

Dragon-Erend instantly bounced back. He did not want to waste this opportunity and immediately attacked. Dragon-Erend ran making a booming thud and tremor that shook the entire forest.

The three-headed dog--which now only had two heads--was finally in front of him. Dragon-Erend immediately shot fire at the dog. He still thought that the Dark Mage was beneath him.

Dragon-Erend's flames enveloped the big dog and instantly scorched it. Now there was no longer any resistance it could give.

In an instant, the big dog was dead to black ash shards. Not even a bone remained and escaped Dragon-Erend flames.