From Behind The Fog

For now, the best thing Aurdis could do was contact Saeldir. He must know more about these sinister mountains than she does.

Aurdis clutched a pentagram-shaped amulet on her chest. Then with her will, she contacted Saeldir.

However, strangely, even though she tried to contact him, Saeldir didn't answer the signal.

This made Aurdis frown as she looked at the amulet on her chest with anxiety.

'Didn't you say you would always be ready if I called?!'

Aurdis cursed Saeldir in her heart.

But in the end, she could only sigh and continue her steps up the muddy and slippery road because of the rain.

Surprisingly, in these mountains, there were not even the sounds of animals.

No birds were chirping at each other or some other animal making a rustling sound around her.

These mountains were so quiet like a long abandoned tomb.

This atmosphere made Aurdis uncomfortable.