Heading To The Slum

It was noon when finally Erend, Billy, and all the volunteers finished cleaning the graves.

They all then went towards a large building in the middle of the cemetery.

It was a building without walls. Only pillars stand in a row supporting the roof.

Previously there was a statue of a soldier standing in the middle.

The soldier statue is a symbol of the courage of all the soldiers who died and were buried here. But now, the only part that still standing is only its legs.

Its upper body had disappeared somewhere. It may be swept away by a storm or accidentally destroyed by ignorant children.

The symbol is now just left there. Become a monument about the worthless struggle for the citizens they defend.

Anya turned out to be one of the people who took part in cooking the meals prepared here.

She gave some cookies that she said she cooked herself to Erend and Billy.

And of course, they were both grateful for the opportunity to enjoy these delicious cookies.