The Root-like Things

Aurdis swallowed her saliva. She didn't know what was going on but the strange glow seemed to be a sign of something bad.

Soon, Aurdis saw that the bodies of the three Trolls had also changed.

Something that looked like roots started creeping up from within their burnt skin and flesh.

The root seemed to give off a strange red glow as well.

Aurdis's brow furrowed. 'What is that?'

What happened next was quite scary. The red root-like tissue wrapped around the flesh and skin burned by her fireball.


The terrible growl sounded again. Aurdis seemed to feel a sinister aura behind the growl.

Something that indicated that she had to prepare for anything to come.


And the bad thing happened. The three Trolls ran towards Aurdis while raising their respective weapons.

They wield axes, clubs, and spears. Everything seems to be made of stone that is cut and honed until it becomes sharp.