The End of The Fight

He has realized that his end is in sight. By the time the Dark Elf looked up, the ice blades had already fallen to his head.





The Ice blades pierced through his head and body.

Blood immediately gushed out and merged with the rainwater.

"(NO!)" The female Dark Elf screamed in shock seeing him die before her eyes.

Aurdis bit her lip too. The feeling of guilt lingers in her heart every time she ends another being's life.

But Aurdis must remain realistic. Right now, she has to kill them or she will be killed.

Aurdis turned towards the female Dark Elf. She couldn't see her true face because it was still covered by the mask.

However, Aurdis could see the sadness and misery in her body movements.

Her hands stretched forward as if to reach her friend. The hand shook and stopped in the air. She can't stretch it any longer or let it fall.