Entering The Forest Elf Palace

She is a beautiful woman. Her beauty looks like a rare flower or a tree that is so ancient and holds various memories from when it grew up.

The Queen of the Forest Elves, Faenith.

The Queen's hair is light brown. Her face revealed a mature beauty that reminded Aurdis of her mother.

Those eyes were bright grey and there was an impression of maturity and wisdom hidden behind them.

However, the Queen's smile that showed rows of white teeth made her look like a happy teenage girl.

Aurdis remembered her first impression when she met the Queen at that time. When she was little.

But she couldn't remember it in great detail. What's left of her memory of when she was little couldn't capture all the beauty and charm of the Queen.

"(You remember me?)" Faenith pointed at herself with an expectant face.

"(Y-Your Majesty.)" Aurdis prepared to bow. But then Faenith caught both of her shoulders.