The Undead Curse

Saeldir's eyes stared in horror. His lips were trembling under the influence of the scene before his eyes.

There are ten of them in total. They were all in the same dire state.

Their veins bulged against their pale skin. As if all these horrible signs weren't enough, now their mostly blonde hair was falling from their heads.

A moment later the Elf guards who had become something from a nightmare fell.

The sound of their fall was loud accompanied by the crack of bones breaking.

But the Elf guards stood again. With legs and arms, or heads that have been crushed they walk spread out in all directions.

Saeldir glanced at the Dark Elf who seemed to be grinning behind his black mask.

"(What have you done to them?!)" Saeldir shouted. His eyes were full of rage and hatred.

"HA HA HA!" The Dark Elf laughed. "(They have now become Undead, Archmage!)"

Undead. Creatures of the dark and rotten underworld.

They are cursed to never die and also can no longer come back to life.