Chaos Spreading

The sight of the current Elf castle made them freeze in place.

The portal that had brought them here was still hissing behind them. But their attention had been completely fixed on the sight of the palace engulfed in huge chaos.

White buildings were burning, there were even towers that had collapsed.

The Elves turned into hideous, ugly monsters.

Their previously pale and smooth skin turned black and festered.

Most of the hair that crowned their heads had fallen out. Leaving a few strands that hang irregularly and messy.

"(This is really terrible,)" Dolthon muttered in a shocked tone.

"(This is Dark Magic. Who brought this powerful Dark Magic here?)" a male Forest Elf who was next to Dolthon asked.

He was one of the four squad leaders among the Forest Elf troop, just like Dolthon and the other two Forest Elves.

His name is Callonor.