Raging Storm

Words kept coming out of Laston's mouth.

Those words sounded like they weren't meant to catch Aerchon off guard. But it comes from Laston's deepest heart.

An expression of his anger about what had happened because of Aerchon's stupid decision.

After hearing it over and over again, Aerchon began to feel turmoil within his originally solid feelings.

'Am I really like that?'

Aerchon began to feel the words sink into him. A realization that seems to come too late.

Coupled with the pain he had suffered when he learned of Laston's betrayal, Aerchon felt his chest heavy with emotion.

"(FOCUS, BROTHER!)" Aurdis screamed with all her might.

The scream seemed to jolt Aerchon out of the depression that had overshadowed him.

When Aerchon looked back up, he saw Aurdis and Saeldir already fighting Laston.


Saeldir shouted while raising his sword high above his head.