An Expensive Spell

Aurdis had long realized that Aerchon couldn't fight Laston with all his heart. But right now they had no other choice.

If Aerchon couldn't really fight Laston to kill, how could they possibly beat him?

Saeldir himself already looked exhausted. Even though he was an Archmage, Saeldir had been draining his strength recently.

Apart from that Laston is a warrior trained in battle like her father.

His experience and power were of course much higher than Saeldir's.

Even after the crushing blow Saeldir gave Laston earlier, it still wasn't enough to defeat him.

Aurdis stared at the pensive Aerchon. His face was pale and exhausted but what was more worrying was his current mental state.

Aurdis bit her lip in frustration. Can't she do something to make this better?

The fight continued abruptly when Laston lunged first at Aerchon and Saeldir.

Accompanied by loud screams, Laston sent dark black fireballs toward the two of them.