Project Apple

Based on his hunch, Julius felt that this man named Erend was harboring something else.

He didn't know what it was, but Julius was almost always sure of his gut feelings.

It almost felt like he had some kind of supernatural power to predict things.

Julius naturally didn't really believe in that idea. It's just that, he arrived at this position because of a hunch that tends to say the right thing.

But for this one, Julius felt that it was better if he didn't say anything to anyone.

He will keep it to himself until the right time comes. Even though he didn't know when it would come.

"Very well. Good Job, Jacob," Julius handed the files back to General Lennard.

"We will continue to talk about Project Apple," Julius said. "How's it going?"

General Lennard nodded firmly.

He felt that his pulse had slightly increased once Julius finally started on this topic.

"Project Apple is progressing well, Sir. Conrad showing quite promising results," General Lennard said.