Another Test Subjects

"What do you mean he will start using it?" Julius asked confusedly. He glanced at General Lennard.

"As you have heard, sir. They will start using the energy that has just been extracted on other subjects," General Lennard said.

The corners of his lips pulled up slightly. There was a hint of pride on his face.

Julius decided to continue seeing what happened next on the monitor screen.

Thomas seemed to press a button again on his tablet computer. After that, the three small tubes went down together with the small orbs.

The three tubes protruded from under the transparent tube that contained Conrad.

Three crews came and took the three tubes. After that, they took it away.

Thomas grab the camera and took it walking somewhere.

In the other corner of the room, it turned out that there were already three other tubes the size of an adult human.

Inside there were already two men and one woman who were tightly strapped.