Erend's Proposal

General Lennard said it with a face full of pride. He was even now smiling at Julius.

Throughout his life, Julius very rarely saw a smile on Jacob Lennard's face.

His junior was a man with a stern face who wasn't fit to be in public.

He is only suitable to be on the battlefield to kill enemies or become a scary instructor figure at the new army training camp.

Seeing his smile, Julius was sure that Jacob Lennard was really happy.

"Okay. You can continue," Julius said.

"Yes sir!" General Lennard nodded obediently.

"But for this new project we need funds and new subjects, sir," General Lennard added.

"Sure. Don't worry about that. You will get all the funds you want," Julius replied.

"Don't forget to take care of all the surviving subjects. Well, I guess I don't need to remind you of that, do I?"

"Of course, sir. They are very important subjects for our purposes." General Lennard nodded firmly. His eyes were full of determination.