Daily Quest, Sharkman

After the training at the simulation place was over, Erend and Billy finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Those sighs of relief weren't because they felt relieved after the grueling practice ended. There is something much worse than just feeling tired.

That is their efforts to contain anger.

"Today's training is over. You understand the strategy well. The day after tomorrow we will do it in the real place. That place is in the middle of the ocean," Geralt said accompanied by a sly smile that Erend and Billy hated.

Geralt look like he loved to see what had happened to the two of them. He seemed to always smile all the time.

The soldiers were dispersed. They were then allowed to leave the military base.

Erend and Billy didn't say anything until they were in their official car.


Billy hit the wheel hard. His face was red and his teeth were gritted tightly.


Erend didn't say anything to criticize his actions. Because he felt the same way.