Another Type of Attack

Erend looked at him with a calm face. He knew from the previous encounter that the Lycan must still have something hidden.

Previously, Erend saw that Lycan who had black fur like the Lycan he was facing right now had changed to have red armor.

Now it seems he will see the same thing again from this one Lycan.

At that time, he had to turn into a Dragon to beat him. So actually it was quite a troublesome battle.

Erend sighed. 'Can I still make it back in time?'

Slime will lose its ability to maintain its form after three hours.

By now Erend had probably spent about ten minutes in this place.

There is still plenty of time left. However, Erend seems to be facing a slightly stronger Lycan than before.

On top of that, there were still about fifty Lycans waiting with fierce faces behind him.

'If I have to kill them, I better do it fast.'

Before Sigewulf could finish his transformation, Erend was already rushed toward him with the help of his wings.