Sea Creatures

Something that Erend had been thinking about since earlier finally happened.

If the source of the dimensional leak was underwater, then it was obvious that the anomaly would affect various kinds of life and nature under the sea.

He wasn't afraid of what was under the sea. How could he be afraid when he rarely even know about the sea?

Erend didn't have enough knowledge about the sea to be afraid.

However, he knew that there were all kinds of nasty things under this seemingly limitless water.

Beneath the world that was hidden from the world he was used to seeing, there was something mysterious and unfathomable.

Like the creatures, he met on the beach that time. Sharkmans and a Siren.

Now Erend has to deal with sea creatures who have mutated into something beyond his expectations.

Just now he saw tentacles coming out from within the tear in space-time like they did when those infected soldiers came out to ambush them.