There are Survivors

Dragon-Erend rises to the surface. He swam slower the closer he got to the surface.

As he looked up, Dragon-Erend noticed the remaining sparks of lightning.

'Did I overdo it earlier?'

He realized that he might have made a mistake. The Magic energy that he let out seemed to be a large amount of energy indeed.

Now that his anger had subsided, Dragon-Erend just realized it.

'Hopefully, no one notices it.'

He could only hope that what Tut had said was true.

Hopefully, the Magic he cast completely messed up the satellite signals so no one would notice that something was off in the sea.

Even though Tut said that Dragon-Erend felt that he should prepare himself to give an excuse.

Something that can go wrong will go wrong. So, there was still a chance that someone would find out what was happened.

Dragon-Erend is almost to the surface. He drew closer to the ship's anchor chain.

He deactivated [Thunder Dragon Transformation] and then changed back into his human form.