Tired of Reading

The pages of the book he opened felt like they would never run out.

Saeldir opened another page of a very thick book in front of him. He didn't just open it.

Saeldir also studied every Quenya sentence written on the dull sheets.

His eyes already felt tired. That was quite worrying because previously Saeldir had never once felt tired while reading a book.

It was because he had trained his brain and eyes with Magic for a long time.

Saeldir has read tens of thousands of books since he was first able to read.

At that time he was still very young. One could even say he would only be a curious child.

Then, Saeldir took a book randomly from the palace library. From the lowest place, he could reach with his little hands.

Saeldir started reading the book under a towering bookshelf that almost reached the library ceiling.

Since then he has fallen in love with the knowledge contained in every book he reads.