Failed Surprise

How Billy said that made them feel a slight sense of optimism about the rise of Magic in this world.

Even Aurdis and Saeldir who were originally residents of another world felt a little relieved.

Of course, Saeldir wouldn't show those feelings clearly on his face.

Aurdis smiled a faint smile. She knew that Magic awakening wasn't a good thing for this world.

However, she had a feeling that the three of them would be fine.

Even when she knew that the Magic disaster wasn't the last bad thing that happened. She knew they would be fine.

At least, that is what she was hoping for.

'Let's go.'

Adrien once again led the group down another corridor. They were now apparently in an important part of the facility.

There are doors to the right and left of the corridor.

There was text above it stating that the rooms were the kitchen, inventory warehouse, chemical warehouse, etc.

Billy opened his cell phone again to confirm their destination.