Broken Walls

Erend's figure covered in red and black scale appeared in front of Steve.

Steve's eyes widened. Even when his brain was almost overtaken by that evil Magic, Steve could still feel the shock of the figure in front of him.

The flames that covered Erend's body seemed meaningless in front of the [Dragon Scale].

Erend didn't wait long to let Steve sink into his shock.

He took Steve's hand and twisted it.


Erend threw a fist at Steve's face.


The fist sent Steve flying backward. The force of Erend's fist sent Steve's body flying through the wall and ending up in the next room.

Erend looked down at Aurdis with concern.

"You alright?" Erend asked.

"I'm fine." Aurdis nodded. "You have to defeat them as quickly as possible. I think they've become strong Magic users."

"I know," Erend said. "You'll have to take cover for a bit until I make them unable to move."

Suddenly when Erend was talking, a hand wrapped around his neck from behind.