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When the water serpent slammed Steve back to the ground, a small earthquake-like vibration was created. Indicates how strong the impact actually is.

Erend still continues to channel his Magic energy into the water serpent. Give it life to keep mauling on Steve.

The water serpent took its jaw off Steve. Erend could catch a glimpse of Steve's figure lying on the ground and not moving.

But Erend didn't let the water serpent last too long. He controlled his water serpent to once again smash itself open-jawed against Steve.


Once again a great vibration was created. The burned tree leaves around immediately fell off and left bare tree branches.

'Is this over?'

Erend wondered in his heart. Could that attack be enough to incapacitate Steve?

With the condition that his body was almost destroyed by fire, coupled with the continuous water attacks, Erend guessed that Steve had suffered enough damage to make him unable to move anymore.