The Cause of Hesitation

Eliril. A forbidden name to be said by the Elves in the palace.

Actually, it is not a written rule. But all the Elves in the palace agreed that Eliril would not be mentioned again because it was considered a disgrace to them.

Of course, Aurdis thought so too. Even though she didn't really like the idea but she also had no intention of going against it.

That was before she met Erend.

"What are you going to do now?" Conrad asked. "Are you going to kill me?"

Aurdis didn't know how to answer that question for now.

She didn't want to kill him unless she had to. And now that Contad can no longer fight, killing him is no longer something necessary.

She just needed to remove his ability to use Magic. But Aurdis became doubtful when she saw what happened to Saeldir.

If she tried to get rid of his Magic, the chances were very high that she would suffer the same fate as Saeldir.

'This is hard.'