A Warning

Erend breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the notification pop up.

He turned towards the beach and saw the Sirens staring at him. Their gaze meant one thing, and that was absolute confusion.

Erend sighed again. Because this meant he had to start explaining himself.

'This will be bothersome.'

Erend walked closer to the Sirens. But to his surprise, they took an alert stance. As if preparing to face an impending threat.

Erend blinked a few times. 'Do they consider me as an enemy?'

"Can't you see I just helped you?" Erend asked while pointing towards the sea which is now became calm.

Even though he had no intention of helping them in the first place, he still fought the enemy they were fighting. So basically he did help them.

The Sirens actually put up an alert and ready to fight like that because they were worried about Erend's power.