
After hearing the phone was abruptly hung up, Thomas stared at the screen of his phone in disbelief.

"This fucking old man!"

Thomas squeezed his cell phone. But then realized that what he was doing could damage his cellphone, where he stored a lot of important data. So Thomas immediately calmed down and took a deep breath.

After holding his breath for a few moments, Thomas let it out. He felt much calmer now.

"So, I have no choice but to stay here for now," Thomas muttered gloomily. "Hopefully they awake soon."

Thomas stared at the sight in front of him. Right now he was standing on the balcony of the hospital floor which was located pretty high so he could gaze out over the wide view of the city.

In such a large city, almost everyone is clueless about what happened. They didn't know about the existence of a terrible force from another world.

In contrast to Thomas, who had seen for himself how the force from another world worked.