Unexpected Agreement

A sigh escaped Aerchon's mouth. Until a few days ago he still couldn't accept that Laston, someone he trusted and considered his own father, was the mastermind behind the various kinds of misfortunes that befell this palace.

But in the end, Aerchon realized that there was no point in being trapped in denial. Laston is a traitor. He had seen it with his own eyes.

How Laston teamed up with a Dark Elf and released something that caused so many Elves in the palace to be cursed by the Undead.

Then he summons troops from the Ogres Kingdom and the Daemons of Calamity to destroy this castle.

He wouldn't be able to forgive that. What he has been doing all this time is to protect the Elven castle and its inhabitants. Seeing how Laston clearly intended to destroy it all, made Aerchon feel such great pain and hatred.