Monster Appearances

Arty was the first to duck down faster than the others. They were still trying to absorb what was Arty's screams all about and the shadow that suddenly loomed at their window so they weren't prepared for what happened next.

A large beak pierced through the window and immediately barged into the classroom. Several students who didn't have time to duck became victims of the beak and were impaled instantly.


Heartbreaking screams rang out in the classroom amidst the blood and mutilated body parts.

The giant bird not only comes in and kills with its beak, but also inserts its sharp wings to kill the students.

"Shit! Shit! Shit!" Arty swore several times with a terrific expression. She was the only one who could think - relevantly - calm now.

'I haven't trained to use Magic to attack or defend!'

The practice she did with the two Elves who came from another world only made her body accustomed to Magic. They still haven't taught her how to use Magic to defend herself!