
"Hold up!" Erend stretched his arms forward. "Let's start slowly, alright?"

Aurdis sighed with a helpless smile. "Alright. I know this is going to sound difficult. Even the idea of ​​going around the world sounds like trouble to us Elves. We've never even actually gone around our world."

"What? Isn't the Elf race the race with the most powerful Magic abilities in that world?" Adrien asked, looking curious and a little surprised by that fact.

Billy also stared at Audisd and waited for her explanation. But Erend wasn't too surprised by that fact because he already knew about that other world called Eternal Earth. Erend even thought that he knew more than Aurdis, Saeldir, or Aerchon.

Even though Erend tried to hide that he already knew a lot, his facial expressions did not escape Aerchon's attention, who had been staring at them from the corner. Aerchon frowned seeing Erend's flat face which looked completely different from Billy and Adrien's.