
Aurdis walked towards the circle formation of large and tall rocks. These stones are made with an almost perfect rectangular shape. In her world, formations like this are often used as points where Magic activities are carried out by various races that can perform Magic. She even felt quite astonished that there was a place like this in Erend's world.

'Has there actually been a race here that could perform Magic in the past?'

That question just pop up in Aurdis's head when he saw this formation. Erend, Billy, and Adrien even said that they didn't know the history of these places clearly. They only know about the legends and stories that are circulating, there are no clear records about all the places that are most likely to be Adaeram or these points of power.

That gave rise to an idea that was enough to spark Aurdis' curiosity. It might be true that in this world some humans possess Magic, and it's become a secret among their small community.