
'I want to help you, of course.'

"Help me?" Julius wondered. "No. Who exactly are you? Are you a being from that another world?"

'Well, you could put it like that. Though, I actually come from another world far from what you expected,' the voice replied with an answer that made Julius even more confused and worried.

"What... what are you talking about..."

'It doesn't matter now, Julius. You said you wanted to find a way to stop all this, didn't you?' the voice asked. 'I've helped you before. You remember that time when something happened to your family?'

Julius gritted his teeth when he remembered the incident that almost took his family away.

'Yes,' answered Julius, now he has spoken with the voice inside his head after being able to think more calmly.

'I was the one who helped you at that time, Julius. I am Ozynk.'