Have To Retreat

The three of them immediately switched with their clones in a deserted place near the military base. So as not to arouse suspicion, they took turns going to that place and entered the military headquarters one by one.

After they had done that, all they had to do now was to find out the truth of the information that Erend just gave.

The fact that they could acquire the memories of their clones was very convenient. That way they don't need to be clueless about what has happened to their clones. This Magic is so useful that Billy and Adrien want to learn it more than the ability to fight.

"So, the president has asked ten soldiers to be his personal bodyguards, huh," said Adrien. "That looks suspicious."

"Yeah, especially when he just woke up," Billy said.

"Unfortunately we are late." Erend shook his head in frustration. "The ten soldiers will be used by the creatures possessing the president by now."