
Chill crawled up Thomas' spine after hearing what Conrad said.

"W-What you say?" asked Thomas with a trembling voice.

Conrad looked again down at the ground he was standing on. There were traces of ashes and blackened scorched earth because the heat was too strong. Whatever had just fought here had absolutely devastating power.

"Fire..." Conrad's words trailed off because his mind was going elsewhere. He was experiencing a familiar impression now. Fire? Somehow, Conrad felt that this power was the same as what he had felt back then in the secret facility.

"A fight was going on here, Thomas. A big fight. I can feel it," said Conrad.

Thomas was silent, his forehead creased in contemplation. After a while he said. "Do you mean there are Elves who came here from that other world?"

"I don't know. But I know that in another world there are not just Elves."

Thomas swallowed reflexively. "A-Are they planning on a counter-invasion?"