She Also Have the Rage

Erend shot towards Eccar as soon as he saw his rough face popping up in the rift that suddenly appeared in this black and gray void. Even though Erend still doesn't fully trust him, he far prefers to approach Eccar rather than stay still in this place.

The rift looks getting smaller. The distance turned out to be longer than he thought. Or maybe this is just an illusion created by this void. So Erend flapped his wings by adding more Magic power.

"Hurry up! I can't hold this any longer," Eccar said.

"I'm trying!" Erend shouted back to convey his struggle.

Eccar grimaced and indicated that he too was struggling to prevent the rift from closing. Erend increased his speed again.

Finally, after several minutes of trying to cover what felt like a few kilometers, Erend arrived at the rift. He immediately jumped in and left the place where there was only a black and gray void.