Bad News

Aurdis felt anxiety that was hard for her to explain. She couldn't contact Erend maybe because he was still sleeping. After all, it was late at night. That's explanation supposed to make sense.

However, Aurdis thought otherwise. If Erend heard her call even when he was sleeping, Erend would usually wake up anyway. Aurdis had contacted him via telepathy that time when he was sleeping and for Erend it shouldn't be a problem answering her calls even though he was still sleeping.

That's why Aurdis was worried.

"(We don't need to worry about that now. Maybe Erend is still sleeping because he's so tired,)" Saeldir said. "(We can contact him tomorrow, right? We don't need to worry.)"

Saeldir tried to calm Aurdis because he was also worried about her. She, just like himself and Aerchon must be feeling very tired now. If he didn't try to calm her down, maybe Aurdis would do something rash.