Enter The Castle

Erend looked at Eccar with a flat gaze. Perhaps he had come to regard Eccar as his friend, but Erend also realized that something was off in Eccar's mind.

At times, he could grin savagely like a beast ready to pounce on its prey, and he actually slaughtered enemies before him. But sometimes he could throw strange questions or wear a confusing expression. Erend didn't know whether Eccar was just joking or if there was something wrong with his head.

'Whatever. No need to think about it. Maybe he's like that because he's been in the Chaos Realm for too long. I might become like that too if I stay here for too long.'

Ragna, the skeleton giant holding the great axe, stared at Erend and Eccar with his eyes that were nothing but a dark void with no end. Erend could immediately tell that this skull creature wouldn't answer Eccar's question. He only had one goal now, given to him by his master, and that was to prevent anyone from approaching his castle.