Dark Clouds

'Erend, is that you?!'

As soon as he heard Arty's voice, Erend immediately felt his heart skip a beat. There was a shocking feeling of relief that he felt especially after the fight with Svaros.

The fact that Arty could contact him now meant she was fine. Or can find a short safe time to contact him?

'Where are you?' Erend - who was still in Dragon form - asked telepathically.

'I was in... Uhh... I don't know. This place is dark, but me and Mom are safe here.'

Erend immediately deactivated his Dragon Form and returned to his human form. He didn't even pay Svaros's corpse a second glance and only focused on hearing Arty's words.

'Are you in the Chaos Realm now?' Erend asked.

'I... I don't know. Someone brought us here after I finished training at the dojo and I woke up in a castle then a half-naked woman came! But, I got away from her and now I'm in this dark place.'