
Eccar must have found the place where Arty created her own domain within Isadora's domain. Erend couldn't see it but he could also feel a strange Magic energy from the place in front of him.

"You can feel it?" Eccar asked.

Erend nodded.

"Call your sister."

Erend did that as fast as he could. They were now above the sea of ​​white slime in Isadora's domain and the monsters inhabiting this slime could be decided to jump at the two of them.

It didn't take long for Erend to reach Arty.

'I'm here, Arty. Can you open that dark place?' Erend asked.

'I... I don't know. I don't even know how I got here.' Arty sounded confused.

'It's okay. You, that place is a place that was created from your desire to be able to get protection. You can open it with your will too,' Erend said.

The explanation was easy enough that Arty quickly understood. 'Alright. I will try to open it.'