Mad Goddess

Dragon-Erend observed Isadora's true form for a few moments. In his opinion, Isadora's form appeared slightly stronger than Svaros's. Somehow, Dragon-Erend also felt that Isadora's power was a bit stronger than the god of the Fallen Beast. He didn't know why.

'Perhaps it's because Svaros is busy doing something in my world and hasn't had the time to absorb the power from his domain. That's why he's weaker than he should be,' Dragon-Erend thought. Whatever the reason, it was good for him when he fought the creature.

After that, the Urgent Quest notification appeared.

[ Urgent Quest! ]

[ Kill the Goddess of Lust and Desire, Isadora. ]

[ Reward: 1,000 Exp ]

Dragon-Erend soon dismissed it, he knew what he needed to do already.

'Eccar!' Dragon-Erend called out to Dragon-Eccar. But when he turned, it turned out that Dragon-Eccar was already walking toward him.