Joined The Fight

While on Earth, his friends were struggling against Julius, who had been possessed by Ozynk, In the Chaos Realm Erend and Eccar were facing a situation not much different.

They hadn't fought Ozynk yet, but that was because they were having difficulty finding his real body. Among all the creature's domains in the Chaos Realm, Eccar somehow couldn't locate Ozynk, no matter how hard he tried.

Ozynk had always been a troublesome god because he was exceptionally intelligent and cunning. He had likely been planning this for a long time and was aware of the possibility that someone would attempt to attack him directly in this world. Therefore, he was doing his best to hide.

Erend and Eccar had returned to their human forms because using their Dragon forms for an extended period would drain too much magic energy. However, they still hadn't found Ozynk and didn't know how challenging their upcoming battle would be.