Premonition Of A Trouble

All the Elves who were busy building the camp immediately froze with expressions of shock.

They actually never imagined that the King would finally want to leave that place. The King's condition has spread to all corners, making all Elves lose hope for a long time.

However, now suddenly he is standing in front of them with a sturdy body wrapped in a gray coat.

Even after several hundred years of not standing in front of his army, King Gulben never lost his charisma and authority.

Among them, it was clear that Aerchon and Aurdis were the most shocked after what they both experienced inside and the conversation with their father that didn't end well.

"(I have kept you waiting for too long,)" King Gulben said in a deep voice. There was still a languid tone in his voice but that did not reduce the impact his voice created on his army.

"(I will return to the Palace with you all.)"