Telling Him

The presence of the mysterious man was something surprising for them. Adrien, Erend, and Billy looked to Saeldir for some kind of explanation. But the Elf only wore the same puzzled expression as them.

"Uhh, I must have startled you. I apologize for sneaking up on you all like that," the man said. "My name is Adrius. I am a human."

Hearing that, they exchanged looks once again.

"What is a human doing here?" Saeldir asked, puzzled. "Alone."

Adrius scratched his head. "That's a bit hard to explain. Why don't we take shelter first? There is a cave nearby. It's the place I've been using for shelter since this afternoon."

"I don't trust you," Billy said bluntly. "I mean… You're alone, and you just look suspicious."

Adrius nodded his head several times as if understanding. "Right. Yeah, I completely understand. But you don't need to be afraid because I have no ill intentions. And if I did, you could defeat me together, right?"