Passed Through A Town

After the intense battle, the underground chamber fell silent, save for the crackling of residual flames and the settling of debris. Adrius stood amidst the aftermath, his chest rising and falling with exertion, but his expression remained composed.

The giant serpent lay defeated at his feet, its massive form now motionless and surrounded by smoldering remnants of ice. The air was thick with the scent of burnt scales and lingering traces of magic, creating an eerie atmosphere in the dimly lit chamber.

Erend, Adrien, Billy, and Saeldir approached Adrius cautiously, their swords still at the ready, though the danger had passed. They looked upon the scene with a mixture of awe and relief, their faces illuminated by the fading glow of embers.

"You're..." Billy stared at the scene in front of them with wide eyes. "You're pretty strong."

"See? I won't be a burden on your journey." Adrius let out a small laugh.