
Saeldir stepped through the shimmering portal, feeling a familiar sense of disorientation as the Magic energies transported him back to the Elf Palace.

The air around him shifted from the cool, earthy atmosphere of the Dwarf kingdom to the serene, verdant ambiance of his homeland.

His own room on the Elf Palace, adorned with intricate tapestries and glowing with a soft, natural light, welcomed him back.

Without pausing to savor the tranquility, Saeldir hurried through the elegant corridors, his heart pounding with the urgency of his message.

Elven sentinels and courtiers turned their heads as he passed, their expressions a mix of curiosity and respect. He reached the doors of the king's throne room and took a deep breath before pushing them open.

Inside, King Gulben and Aurdis were deep in discussion, their expressions grave. The weight of their responsibility hung heavily in the air, but their eyes brightened with hope as they saw Saeldir enter.