
The figure's mind filled with dark satisfaction as he approached the furnace. He could almost taste the success of his mission, the sabotage that would cripple the dwarves' efforts and throw their plans into disarray. The vial of dark liquid felt heavy in his hand, a potent weapon disguised as a simple tool.

"Finally, this damn job task."

His thoughts were filled with the imagined chaos that would ensue, the destruction of the precious Starsteel and the anger and confusion of the dwarves. Its even better that they will blame the failure of the forging of their rare and precious metal to the human and Elf.

A twisted smile crept across his disguised face as he imagined the rewards and praise that would await him upon the completion of his task.

As he carefully uncorked the vial. Just a few drops and the forges would produce nothing but worthless slag. He raised the vial, ready to pour its contents into the molten metal.