Its Coming

Erend led Eccar through the winding corridors of the Elf Palace, the opulent surroundings a stark contrast to the barren and chaotic landscape they had just left behind.

They soon arrived at the grand doors of the meeting chamber.

As they stepped into the chamber, a hush fell over the assembled leaders and warriors. King Gulben, Aurdis, and several other key figures turned their eyes toward the newcomers, their expressions a mix of curiosity and concern.

The tension in the air was clear, and the weight of impending calamity hung heavy over them all.

Eccar's presence immediately drew attention. His aura was different—strong, ancient, and tinged with the chaos of the realm he came from. There was an undeniable power in him, one that commanded respect and caution.

The Elves could sense it, their expressions shifting from confusion to wary acknowledgment.