
Moments after the powerful speeches from King Gulben, Erend, and Eccar, the atmosphere in the battlefield was charged with a renewed sense of bravery. The warriors and Mages have their spirits lifted by the sight of their leaders and their rallying cries. After that, they readied themselves for the fight ahead. The palpable tension of the battlefield seemed to momentarily ease.

But this fleeting calm did not last long. A sudden shift in the air signaled a new threat—an ominous, oppressive heaviness come back to press down on everyone. The ground beneath them began to tremble slightly. The once-glimmering light from King Gulben's Magic seemed to flicker in response to the dark energy that was beginning to awaken.

The sky grew dim and darkening again. The air was filled with chill and the warriors and mages felt their renewed courage waver for a brief moment.