Back To The Palace

Erend finally arrived at the Elf Palace, the towering spires of the ancient structure casting long shadows over the surrounding forest. His wings folded as he descended and he landing softly on the top of one of the tallest towers.

Eccar sat on the stone ledge, a large bottle in hand and he lazily sipping from it. The unmistakable smell of strong booze filled the air as Erend approached.

Eccar glanced up at him, eyes slightly hazy but still sharp. Those simple booze wouldn't be enough to make him drunk.

"You made good time," he said with a smirk, raising the bottle in a mock toast. "Want a drink?"

Erend didn't waste any time addressing Eccar's bottle. There were more important matters at hand.

He stepped forward with serious expression. He leaned in close, lowering his voice to a whisper. "Do you know anything about a place called the Dungeon World?"