
Erend and Eccar stood in the clearing letting he silence stretching out for several minutes. They remained still. Their muscles ready to ac and their senses sharp as they waited for their enemy.

Then, from the opposite side of the forest they heard it, a deep, rhythmic thumping sound. It echoed through the trees, growing louder with each beat, like a distant drum signaling the approach of something big.

The thumping grew closer and then from the shadows of the forest, a massive black gorilla emerged. He towered over them, easily standing at least four meters tall, his dark fur rippling with muscle.

His crimson eyes gleamed with intelligence. As he stepped into the clearing a grin spread across his face revealing his big teeth. He also have fangs even though they are supposed to be herbivore.

"Well, well," the gorilla rumbled with voice deep and thunderous. "What do we have here?" His grin widened, exposing more of his razor-sharp teeth. "Two of you now?"