Under Me

The Great Calamity's body moved suddenly and before Erend and Eccar could fully comprehend its words, it launched itself forward in a blur of movement.

A shockwave followed in its wake as it dashed at them with terrifying speed, leaving a trail of dark red energy and flesh behind it like a bloody comet hurtling through the air. The ground beneath where it had stood cracked, and the air sizzled with the heat of its power.

Erend and Eccar barely had time to react. But their instinct kicked in fast, and both Dragonborn braced themselves, summoning their flames and earth Magic.

But the sheer force of the Calamity's attack caught them off-guard for somone who have become much weaker and looks like in the brink of death.

Its claws slashed, razor-sharp, and the first strike forced them to block rather than counter.